The Adult Forum
The Forum
Sacred Conversations about Life
The Forum is an adult education program hosted on Sunday mornings (other than “Community Sundays” that are focused on fellowship) during the Education Hour, from 11:05 to 11:45 a.m. We invite all to join us in the church sanctuary for these “Sacred Conversations about Life” where guest speakers, clergy, and leaders from our Church will stimulate deeper thought and questions about what it means to live as Christians in a complex world. Detailed schedules of the topics and speakers will be made available through the parish newsletter, in Sunday leaflets, and on our web site. We hope that members and their friends will look over The Forum schedule and attend those programs that are of the most interest. No preparation is needed and there is no homework assigned.
Hosted by St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on Sundays from 11:05-11:45 in the church. All are invited to join us!
March 9 – Exploring Meditation and Contemplation in the Christian Faith
Meditation and contemplation, rooted in scripture and the teachings of Christian tradition, offer a space for stillness, peace, and connection to God and creation. Led by current Senior Warden Nicholas Vaught who is finding contemplative prayer practices personally fulfilling, this forum will explore how these ancient practices, embraced by Christians throughout history, can be integrated into our busy lives to deepen our connection to ourselves, God, and those around us. We will also explore how a new generation of Christians is rediscovering these practices to enrich their spiritual lives and foster a greater awareness of God’s presence in everyday moments. Whether you are new to meditation and contemplation, have been practicing for years, or are simply curious, join us to discover how these practices can provide a moment of stillness and a deeper awareness of God’s presence.
March 16 – The Religious Art of Michelangelo.
Michelangelo was an artistic genius of the Italian Renaissance who created some of the greatest sculptures and paintings of all time. The subjects of his works were so often the key figures and moments of the Judeo-Christian faith. What did it mean for him to sculpt David looking out with slingshot in hand? Or to paint God at the moment of touching Adam’s finger to bring him to life? Join Mark Stanley to explore some of the religious art of Michelangelo including the David, the Pieta, and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
March 23 – Great Hymns: Their Stories & Histories
Join our Minister of Music, Justin Weilnau, for a deep dive into the story and history of a few select hymns from different eras of hymnody. In this forum, we will discover the context from which these hymns emerged, the poetry of their texts, the composition of their tunes, and more. We will discuss the stories of three to four hymns, including one from the English tradition, the American folk tradition, and a Spiritual.
April 6 – Faith and the Environment
Recently, a member of our parish, Riley Demo, was appointed to the Episcopal Church’s 29th Conference of Parties (COP29) Delegation to attend and advocate on behalf of the church during United Nations discussions on anthropogenic (originating in human activity) change. Riley will discuss takeaways from the November UN meeting and what anthropogenic change might mean in our own lives. Join us as we talk about faith amidst change and ecological attention that can make a difference. Riley is a graduate student at Johns Hopkins focusing her studies on Environmental Health. She works as the Planetary Health ambassador for the school and focuses her research on climate change adaptation and exposure sciences.
April 13 –Easter Egg Decorating for All Ages
Easter Eggs are a symbol of Resurrection. A chick hatching from the egg is a symbol of Jesus rising from the tomb. To participate in this Easter tradition, everyone, of all ages, is invited to the undercroft for refreshments and egg decorating. There will have wood eggs, plastic eggs, balloon eggs, and other ways to decorate eggs for Easter.
April 20 – Easter Egg Hunt and Party at the Grand next door to our church.
All are invited to the Grand for refreshments, fun, and our traditional Easter Egg Hunt. Come join us for fellowship and an Easter celebration!
Past Forums
November 10 – Progressive Theology – What can a modern person believe?
Progressive scholars have been exploring how 21st century Christians can engage the doctrines and traditions of the church in a new way. They are rethinking such topics as how to read scripture, the person of Jesus, the Resurrection, miracles, and even the nature of God. Do some of these scholars go too far? And how might they open up inspiring ways of understanding our faith? Join Mark Stanley to look at some liberal scholarly views on the Christian belief.
November 17 – Discovering God Through Black Girlhood.
Our special guest speaker is the Rev. Khristi Lauren Adams – author and the new Executive Director of Community & Belonging at the Saint Paul’s Schools in Brooklandville. In her new book, Womanish Theology: Discovering God Through Black Girlhood, Khristi reflects her faith journey, inviting readers to learn from a new perspective and guiding them to a deeper understanding of their own spirituality. Khristi introduces a new branch of theological thought she calls womanish, as a play on the womanist tradition (the theology of Black womanhood). “Womanish,” is a term Black mothers used for young girls as they grew more interested in doing grown-up things. In this forum Adams will draw on her own life story as well as the life stories of other Black girls to explore theological concepts such as Scripture, salvation, prayer, neighborly love, and the image of God. This conversation will reveal that theology is for everyone and that the whole community of God can learn from the spiritual insights of Black girls.