Who We Are

Founded in 1692

We are a historic church founded in 1692, and we enjoy the beauty of this sacred space, but the most important part of our church is the people. We’re glad you’re here and hope you will feel truly welcomed and accepted whenever you are with us. We want to get to know you and we invite you to tell us about yourself, your story, and what has drawn you to this place.

The mission of the Episcopal Church is to restore the unity of all people with God and each other in Christ. At Old St. Paul’s, we prioritize sharing the good news that God loves all people unconditionally, no exceptions. Our church life is enriched by the diversity of our members, and we celebrate the many gifts that newcomers and visitors bring. We invite people to do the hard work of understanding and dismantling racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, classism, and ageism. These unjust systems stand in opposition to the promises we make in our baptism to seek and serve Christ in all persons, respecting the dignity of every human being, and loving our neighbors as ourselves. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is fond of saying, “If it’s not about love, it’s not about God.”

We celebrate children, and the new life they bring to our community. In our church, children and youth are both seen and heard. We have special pews that we call “soft spaces” for families with young children, and we provide programs for children and youth, such as Nursery Care, Children’s Worship, Sunday School, and Youth Group. We rejoice that our church includes so many young people and families.

At Old St. Paul’s, you don’t have to check your brain at the door. Through our adult Forums and other programs, we gather regularly to continue learning and growing. We understand that truth is best discerned in the midst of spirited conversations that are engaged with civility, honesty, and grace. We study the literature, poetry, letters, hymns, teachings, eyewitness accounts, folklore, sermons, and stories found in scripture and we use the Bible as a guide. God gives us reason to help us discern the truth and to make advances in areas such as science and medicine. God gives us free will to make our own choices in life, and to form our own beliefs. Our job is to be curious, open, and discerning.

If you consider yourself to be spiritual but not religious, then we welcome you to join us on your own terms. If you are wary of organized religion, then we want you to know we can relate. If you grew up in a different faith tradition, or with no religion at all, then we hope you will feel honored and inspired while you are
with us. We celebrate who you are, and we rejoice that you were created in the image of God. Come as you are and get to know this group of friends who are walking together as we try to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.