Clergy & Staff

The Reverend Mark Stanley
The Rev. Mark Stanley loves being a parish priest and he has been honored to be the Rector of Old St. Paul’s Church since 2004. Mark is a lifelong Episcopalian who was born in Evanston, Illinois. He graduated from The University of Texas in Austin as a Philosophy Major in 1986. He went to seminary at The Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, California and was ordained in 1990. Before coming to Baltimore, Mark served as the Rector of Christ Church in Sausalito, California and as an Assistant Priest at All Saints Church in Palo Alto, California. He enjoys serving on the Board of the family of Episcopal schools connected with our church, The Saint Paul’s Schools in Brooklandville. He is married to the Rev. Mary Luck Stanley, and they have two adult children, Hannah and Jack. Mark enjoys the Ravens, reading theology, watching movies, and playing with his dog, Teddy.

The Reverend Florence Ledyard
Associate Priest
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Connie Saeger-Proctor
Minister for Christian Formation

Justin Weilnau
Minister of Music
Joe Smith, Children’s Worship Musician
Qiana Scott, Nursery Coordinator & Teacher
Anne Hall, Hospitality Coordinator
Chris Uehlein, Livestream Videographer
Rick Tomlinson, Cemetery Curator
McKenzie Property Management